I see myself as a sculptor, installation artist, roboticist, painter and now a public artists. Currently I’ve teamed up with Justin Hossle to compete for public art commission. We apply for three commission and won all three. We have several more in the pipeline.
I see this effort as building a “Public Art Collab.” Lisa Roy has joined us in the “Sky Box” commission and the pending “Invasive Art Tails” project. We hope to be adding new people as the need arises.
In all these endeavors I am a conceptualist at heart, in so far as the idea is paramount and usually drives the artistic inquiry. Marcel DuChamp is my favorite artist.
I have always been a public person. At various stages of my life I find myself gathering people in the pursuit of a noble cause. This comes naturally out of my optimism and belief that we are at our best when working together.
Now entering into my mid 70’s I can look back on a rich and varied career. Scroll down this page to get a sense of all that I’ve accomplish.
When I’m in my studio, my door is always open. Come by for a chat. I’m on the first floor of the California Building by the loading dock.